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Update Table Data for Uniform Distribution in SQL

On SQL Server database table, if SQL developers want to create equal number of rows or uniform distribution among data categories database programmers can use SQL script given in this tutorial.

The original SQL table data is having a distribution on selected column as follows

SQL table data distribution

;with summary as (
 SELECT distinct
  COUNT(*) Over (Partition By 1) Cnt,
  COUNT(RevId) Over (Partition By RevId) RevCnt
 FROM MyTable
), todo as (
  Cnt / (count(*) over (partition by 1)) Average,
  RevId, RevCnt
 from summary
), joint as (
 orderno = ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by MyTable.RevId order by id),
 RevCnt - Average as forupdate
from MyTable
inner join todo on MyTable.RevId = todo.RevId
), upd as (
 select * from joint
 where RevCnt < Average and orderno <= (forupdate * -1)
 union all
 select * from joint
 where RevCnt > Average and orderno <= forupdate
), final as (
 id, RevId,
 case when forupdate > 0 then 1 else -1 end as overAvg,
 rn = ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by (case when forupdate > 0 then 1 else -1 end) order by id)
from upd
update MyTable
 RevId = ISNULL(n.RevId,p.RevId)
from MyTable t
inner join final p on p.id = t.id
left join final n on p.rn = n.rn and n.overAvg = -1
where p.overAvg = 1

After above SQL update statement is executed, table data is now having a uniform distribution on selected column

uniform data distribution

Unfortunately, I realized that above update is not sufficient in some cases.
Assume that our values are distributed as seen in below numbers in our sample database table.

As you will realize, I had a total number of 100 rows at first sample.
Then for following case, I had introduced two new groups of rows in low numbers.
5 new rows for category 400 and 5 rows for category group 500

table data

After we execute above code, the updated data will have below count values.
Since the count difference between minimum group (with 5 rows) and target distribution count (100+5+5)/5 = 22 is bigger than minimum group count (5), the distribution is not uniform even after first correction.

group by counts

An other attemp to make numbers equal among different categories or groups by running the same script once more will improve the result

SQL table data grouped by categories

If not satistied with the result, let's try again. Execute the exact SQL script again. And then check the final situation on value distribution on table data.

uniformly distributed table data

Yes now it is all uniformly distributed :)

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