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New T-SQL Functions in SQL Server 2012 for T-SQL Developers

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 introduces new functions for T-SQL developers with SQL Server Denali CTP3 version. These 14 new T-SQL built-in functions are part of T-SQL and programmability enhancements for developers in SQL Server 2012.

SQL Server 2011 or SQL11 are the names that are thought to be for the SQL Server Denali version. But Microsoft has named the new SQL Server version as SQL Server 2012 instead of SQL Server 2011.

Here is the list of new built-in Transact-SQL Functions in SQL Server 2012

T-SQL CONCAT string function
T-SQL FORMAT string function

T-SQL CHOOSE logical function
T-SQL IIF logical function

T-SQL DATEFROMPARTS date and time function
T-SQL DATETIMEFROMPARTS date and time function
T-SQL DATETIME2FROMPARTS date and time function
T-SQL TIMEFROMPARTS date and time function
T-SQL EOMONTH date and time function

T-SQL PARSE conversion function
T-SQL TRY_CONVERT conversion function
T-SQL TRY_PARSE conversion function

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