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What does SAP stand for ?

"What does SAP stand for ?" although you might know that SAP is a well known software company producing ERP applications used by hundreds of big companies. But what is SAP for as an acronym? What is the meaning of SAP?
Feel relaxed although you don't know what SAP stands for since as an ABAP developer programming on SAP solutions I cannot always remember the full name of SAP.

What is SAP and What does SAP Stand for?

What does SAP stand for

As I said SAP is a software company. It is a German company founded in 1972 by engineers working previously in IBM.

The fullname of SAP is Systeme, Andwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung in German.

Systeme, Andwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung

Luckily the English translation of SAP long form has similar to its original name in English with same initial letters: Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing

Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing

The English long form also describes the meaning of SAP and the main focus area as a software company.

So the acronym SAP stands for Systeme, Andwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung in German and Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing in English.

SAP stands for Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing


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