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sysindexes System View - List of Indexes Defined on a SQL Database Table

SQL developers and SQL Server database administrators frequently require to list of indexes defined on a sql database table.
Any in many cases list indexes and fields of indexes defined on a sql table are necessary for building generic database applications for sql developers.

In MS SQL Server 2005 and later versions (SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2), t-sql developers and sql administrators can use below t-sql select script in order to list SQL Server indexes defined for a sql table.
The given t-sql sample runs a SELECT statement on sys.indexes table (in fact sys.indexes system view) with Object_Id of the sql table is in the WHERE criteria.

FROM sys.indexes
  object_id = object_id('HumanResources.Employee')

Here is the sample output of the tsql select statement on sysindexes table (or sys.indexes system view).


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